SAN FRANCISCO, April 14, 2003 — Microsoft Corp. Today announced new antispam and antivirus technologies that will ship in Exchange Server 2003 for.

Antivirus For Server 2012

Hi, All there is to remember is to test every product to use. Be sure it’s on the Microsoft and vendor compatibility list. Use the evaluation version where possible.

Exchange Server 2003 Buy

Most choose the product they are most familiar with or the corporate standard. Working in the service industry you tend to find that the most effective of antivirus products are the ones with the intelligent updates. They will pickup the updates that come out daily or twice a day. Users who schedule their products to update daily are really asking for trouble. Choose Symantec Antivirus Enterprise Edition. To get good performance configure the scan option to scan creation. Bcom3 Lehman Dufrene Pdf Printer. We've been using Symantec Enterprise on Servers and McAfee (from a SonicWall appliance) on clients.