Many countries use bridge management systems (BMSs), and many of these systems involve some form of life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis. Use of LCC analysis in bridge engineering is rare, however; the technique has been applied primarily in the operation phase to support decisions about bridges that already exist. Yet LCC analysis can be applied across the life of a bridge. Avervision U10 Manual Treadmill. This paper introduces the Swedish Bridge and Tunnel Management System (BaTMan). A comprehensive, integrated LCC implementation scheme takes into account the bridge investment and management processes in Sweden. The basic economic analytical tools as well as other helpful LCC analysis techniques are described.

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A case study demonstrates improvements in BaTMan as a factor in the decision whether to repair or to replace a bridge. Cost records for 1,987 bridges were used as input data in the case study. Code 128 Barcode Fonts 3 0 Serial Killers. On the basis of the same records, the average real and anticipated initial costs of various bridge types in Sweden are presented schematically.