Football Manager 2006 V6 0.2 Patch
Changelist as follows: Football Manager 2006 v6.0.2 (Build 72973) ------------------------------------------ General ======= + Added command line option '--user_data_location' to customise the FM06 base use data folder (also see SIbase). + Added command line option '--always_reload_skin' for graphics/skin authors to be able to reload the same skin from Preferences without changing skin twice. + Command line option '--database_location' showed an error dialog even when it succeeded in some situations. + Command line option '--database_location' accepts absolute paths (see SIbase documentation for details).
Reloaded No CD Football Manager 2006 v6.0.2 ENG.

+ Fixed 'profit/(loss)' on the home page finance panel always being 0. + Fixed potential problem with importing some training schedules.
+ Fixed occasional freeze on finance income/expenditure sections if --small_screen was used. + If a player had agreed to a 'future transfer' his icon in the squad and search sections was still 'bid' (instead of 'trn'). + Moved the skin cache folder from the FM06 installation folder to the user data folder to avoid permission problems. Cognitive Science Jose Luis Bermudez Pdf Merge more.