Ok i wanted to know how do you get ps3 games from the internet and how do you burn them on a disc and play it on the ps3? Can you give me very detailed instructions. And what kind of disc should I use? Ventajas Y Desventajas De Windows Vista Y Xp. I have a memorex DVD+R disc and is that good for playing games or should i get a different disc? Also where is the. Ok i wanted to know how do you get ps3 games from the internet and how do you burn them on a disc and play it on the ps3?

How To Burn Ps3 Games To Hard DriveHow To Burn Ps3 Games Tutorial

Ok i wanted to know how do you get ps3 games from the internet and how do you burn them on a disc and play it on the ps3? Can you give me very detailed. Can i burn ps3 games on normal disks? Can i burn ps3 disc on a normal dvd burner? Answer Questions. PS3 System Updates on CFW.? PSN Gift Cards?

Can you give me very detailed instructions. And what kind of disc should I use?

I have a memorex DVD+R disc and is that good for playing games or should i get a different disc? Also where is the best place to download ps3 games to put on the disc? And is there a youtube video that teaches you exactly what to do?

And do you have to jailbreak your ps3 to do this? • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again. • You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG.

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