Warm Sensation In Neck After Cracking Knuckles
Microprocessor And Interfacing By A.k.ray. I've read all of the threads about knuckle cracking and found it both interesting and helpful, but I thought I should raise the issue of neck cracking. I've also read other internet articles about it and didn't find specific information regarding the nasty habit. Now, the reason I'm so concerned is that about 10 minutes ago I had cracked my neck, as usual, but felt a tingling shock that spread down all of my limbs.

I think most of the shock was from fear. I sat still for a moment, scared to move, then checked to make sure I wasn't paralysed or received nerve damage. Everything checked out fine (I think), and there's no pain or sign of damage, I can even move my head in a circular motion with no problems. This has been a wake up call to my constant neck manipulation, no question, but I'd like to know if I'm in any danger here. I've cracked my neck more than 5-10 times daily for about 7 years. Here's how I do it: I hyperextend my neck to the left and right without the use of my hands very gently, it's never done with force or any other way. I'm going to consciously try to stop, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
You are in no other danger, but compressing your spinal cord is dodgey enough to be going on with. If you stop doing it, you should be fine. Come to that, if you keep doing it, you may be fine. I wouldn't advise it though.
Like breaking any habit, the first step is to make yourself aware of when you are doing it. To do this, you might want to adopt strategies like recruiting friends, colleagues and family to point out to you when you are doing it. Or you could wear shirts with collars, so the collar digs you when you begin to flex your neck. Anything like that will bring the act to your attention and let you realise how much you do it without thinking.
Once you are aware of it, you can stop it easily enough. I busted my neck in '89 and had c4-c6 fusion. When I can't feel my hands I turn my head and hear a pop and feel my hands instantly again. That is just to let you know that there is definately a movement and relaxation in your neck when it pops.
I've read all of the threads about knuckle cracking and found it. From neck cracking to smoking? Oh, and my neck cracks from. Or without feeling for.
It frees up a compression in my case that effects me but might not be as restrictive in other cases. I never would force a pop but only offer this as a case study observation. A healthy neck should be able to absorb a few relaxing pops in my opinion. Not a problem it wasn`t an attack on you at all, just the act of doing something like that voluntarily, whereas if someone walked up to you (or anyone) and did it too them, they`de be under arrest for assault. Btw, I`m a smoker too, and I know it also is very stupid when looked at logicaly cervical vertabrae 2 and 3 in my neck are fused together and I get all manor of problems as a direct result of this, when my neck cracks (usualy from doing something ordinary like picking up a pencil or whatever) it can render parts of me imobile or without feeling for days it would certainly be a good habit to break, before it breaks something really clever! Same can be said for smoking sure, but I enjoy smoking (I Know, I`m naughty LOL).