Conquest Of The Sahaba Pdf File

Al-Imam al-Waqidi This is the first complete English translation of Futuhusham, the ninth century Arabic classic detailing the Muslims advance into Syria when a small band of faithful Muslims overthrew the superpower of their day. Ms Money To Quicken on this page. This inspiring epic describes the events in detail and brings to life the great personalities of Islam in a unique way.

Abu 'abd Allah Muhammad Ibn 'umar Al-waqidi born 130 H in Madina, died 207H in Baghdad, Iraq. He was both a Muhaddith and Historian author of many works including (al-maghazi an-Nabawi) a well-known work on the military campaigns of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) As a youth al-Waqidi is said to have been such an authority on the sacred cities of Mecca and Medina that he was guide to the 'Abbasid caliph Harun ar-Rashid during the latter's pilgrimage.