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Time-Off, Availability & Human Resource Management With When I Work's exclusive communication tools, you will always know which employees are available, and your staff can rest-assured that their availability and time-off requests are up-to-date. Our 2-way text messaging service allows for direct response approvals to time-off requests. For example, when an employee requests a day off, managers receive a text message and can approve or cancel the request with a simple reply. Our staff communication tools also include TeamTxt™, which allows managers to communicate with groups of employees via text message. Descargar Opio En Las Nubes Pdf Creator. Shift Trades & Drops Save time and energy by letting your most qualified and trusted employees make approval-required changes to the work schedule through Shift Trades & Drops.

By giving your employees the ability to drop or trade shifts using When I Work, you can be sure that shifts will never be left unfilled. You can finally rest easy because you no longer need to worry about all the frustrating employee scheduling issues that used to take up too much of your time—like dealing with no-shows or having to scramble to find last-minute replacements for unexpected open shifts.

Download Easy Schedule Maker Easy Schedule Maker, as the name indicates, is a easy and highly functional scheduling program designed for Windows Operating systems. This can be used either for an individual or for managing a team of employees, by scheduling their tasks and keeping track of it. The clear and prudent design of the interface and the powerful functionality makes this tool unique and ideal for a team leader who wants to create custom schedules for the team members, by using simple steps of mouse clicks. Double Clutch Liz Reinhardt Pdf To Word on this page. The unlimited undo and redo options provided allows the user to try and plan the schedule till they are satisfied. This tool allows the user to instantly view, as a report, how many of the team members are scheduled at a point in time.

The tool also allows you to manage the shift and leave schedules of the team, without a clash. Using this tool, no one can complain of clash between their schedule and leaves. Repeated works are avoided by the many features such as cut and paste, storing tasks and reading later, and grouping of employees in groups to allow group based assignments. These features also allow the team organizer to save much of their quality time.

The latest version allows the application user to allow unlimited number of user defined shifts and leave types. Once these are defined, the user needs to assign them against the user or group. The details of the schedules can be shared with others over the database, where by the schedules can be understood by the other managers. Myself Yourself Ps2 Iso Loader there. The application also allows importing of user details from simple text files in a specified format.