Une Nouvelle Terre Eckhart Tolle Pdf
You have a mental image not only of who the other person is, but also of who you are, especially in relation to the person you are interesting with. So you are not relating with that person at all, but who you think you are is relating to who you think the other person is and vice versa. The conceptual image your mind has made of yourself is relating to its own creation, which is the conceptual image it has made of the other person. The other person's mind has probably done the same, so every egoic interaction between two people is in reality the interaction between four conceptual mind-made identities that are ultimately fictions. It is therefore not surprising there is so much conflict in relationships. There is no true relationship.
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There is nothing that strengthens the ego more than being right. Being right is identification with a metal position - a perspective, an opinion, a judgement, a story. For you to be right, of course, you need someone else to be wrong, and so the ego loves to make wrong in order to be right. In other words: you need to make other wrong in order to get a stronger sense of who you are.

Not only a person, but also a situation can be made wrong through complaining an reactivity, which alway implies that 'this should not be happening'. Being right places you I'm a position of imagined moral superiority in relation to the person or situation that is being judged and found wanting. It is that sense of superiority the ego carves and through which it enhances itself.